Wind Profiler

raptor xbs-bl radar wind profiler

RAPTOR XBS-BL represents a revolutionary, unique design in Radar Wind Profiler technology offering a high performance, digital system in a compact, portable design that is simple and quick to set up.

System: RAPTOR XBS-BL Radar Wind Profiler
Applications: Real-time operational support for weather forecasting, aviation operations, and other applications demanding high quality meteorological data products
Antenna: Approximately 2.4 m (8′) diameter phased array
Beam Steering: 6-beam oblique and 1-vertical
Height Resolution: User selectable from 75 to 500 m
Range: ~3 km in clear air, ~5 km in precipitation
Accuracy: <1 m/s; < 10° for wind speeds >5 m/s; <15 for wind speeds ≤5 m/s

The RAPTOR line of Radar Wind Profilers provides unattended, real-time operational support for weather forecasting and aviation, aerospace, military, research, and other applications demanding high-quality meteorological data products. 

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